Having a 3rd Baby
The things they don't tell you:
As crazy as it may sound, we really wanted a third child. We wanted a big family. We had two girls and we were more than ready to take on a third. My pregnancy was probably the best of all three. I did have to experience steroid shots and some other types of shots to help me keep the pregnancy due to past history. The moment I was dreading a bit but, did not expect to be so traumatizing was the C-section itself. I remembered my previous experiences and it wasn’t so great but, I did not know what I was in for. Oh dear! I did not expect for it to be so painful, thank god all my nurses and doctors were amazing but, what they don’t tell you is after having other kids your body makes more scar tissue causing more, pain, more blood, more sensitivity and a longer procedure. All I cared about, like every mother, was that my baby was okay. Once the baby was out and you hear that cry, it seems like everything else doesn’t matter. Well little did I know once they were closing me up I was going to go into full contractions. Traumatizing is an under- statement. I thought I was going to die! My OBGYN said it was not common but, normal. Thankfully they pumped me with pain meds right away and I was out. Motherhood is hard ya’ll! We are definitely super women. The crazy part is, a small part of me considered having another one (I know! Crazy!) But, we’ve decided three is a great number.
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