Celebrate Yourself


Once in a while we try to make it a point for an adult’s night out. Usually, we try to use someone’s birthday as an excuse to go out and celebrate and this weekend was my birthday. This year I made my own birthday plans because, I didn’t want to get disappointed and I am so glad I did. As a woman and a mother we do so much for others every day that when your day comes around you tend to want to be pampered and celebrated and when that doesn’t happen, well, it’s a bit of a let- down. It’s a fact you should never expect in order to not get disappointed, and it took me years to learn this. Especially when you tend to do it for others, including your kids and you don’t get it in return. I know, I know, you don’t do things to receive things, I’m not asking for the same in return, just a thoughtful gesture that says thank you and I love you for all you do. As I’ve said in the past Birthdays are pretty special to me because it’s once a year when you are celebrated. It felt so nice to get dolled up and have no responsibilities for a couple of hours. Ladies plan time for yourself and your partner. If your significant other is special in other ways but, is not a great planner or surprise giver, then do it yourself. No one can make better plans for you than you! It not lack of love, it’s lack of detail and planning and as mothers one of our great titles is great party planner/event coordinators so we need to stop expecting our significant others to have the same talents we do. Do your own thing and you won’t be disappointed! My night was definitely memorable and entertaining, hope yours will be too. We deserve it!


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