Getting Sick

The chaos, headaches and stress:

When my kids get sick are the moments when I feel the true pressure and test of motherhood. There is nothing more a mother hates than for their child/children to get sick. I hate to see them in pain, down, complaining, not eating, etc. Not to mention the lack of sleep and chaos of running around to get medication, taking them to the doctors and disinfecting the whole house so that no one else gets sick. The one thing that is the hardest to cope with for me, is lack of sleep. I always say sleep is my sanity, if I don’t rest it’s as if I lose my mind, I have no patience and I am miserable. What puts the topping on the cake is when I start to feel sick, this is not a good combo. So, for all you mom’s out there struggling through these times, here are some of my tips on dealing with those moments when a cold or flu is trying to take over your home and you are about to lose your mind:

#1-Get HELP… call someone, this is the time to call grandparents, in-laws or aunt/uncles. You know that saying, “It takes a village”, well it does and especially when everyone is feeling under the weather.

#2-Start drinking Emergen-C, I believe the maximum daily dosage is 3 packs a day but, definitely ask a pharmacist or your doctor.

#3-Fluids…Everyone needs to stay hydrated. Gatorade is my go to drink but, for those of you who want to stay away from sugar go for Pedialyte or any other drink that has electrolytes in it.

#4-Sleep….It will be your best friend. Your body needs rest to be able to fight the virus, not to mention it helps your sanity.

#5-Vicks Vaporizer-If you are congested and can’t breathe, turn that puppy on and it’s an instant relief. Your room may smell like your grandmothers room but, it’s okay, do what you have to do.

#6-Hot chicken soup-with all kinds of veggies and A LOT of Lime/Lemon. Instant picker upper.

#7-Alcanfor- They are these small white tablet that should be kept away from children because they are not edible. I feel like my Abuela (grandmother) always carries them in her purse and whenever she visits she spreads them all over the house in high places, it’s supposed to help kill bacteria, it may be an old wives tale but I’ll do just about anything to keep everyone from getting sick.

#8-Quarantine-If the kids aren’t sick then have them stay on the other side of the house or just don’t go into your room. Communicate thru cell phone. I also use the baby monitor/camera to keep an eye on them.  

#9-Don’t Google-If you’re like me I google everything and if you have ever googled symptoms they usually lead to death LOL! Seriously don’t make yourself more worried than you need to. If you’re that concerned or you’ve been sick for more than a couple of days than your best bet is to visit your doctor.

#10-Tea and PJ’s-Stay comfortable, pick up your hair, don’t worry about cleaning the house, drink hot fluids and worry about making yourself better. Your family needs you and if you are not at your best you won’t be able to take care of anyone.

Hope this helps, I know I don't have time to get sick so, I try to prevent it as soon as I feel something off!
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