Already? Why?
My 13 month old had her first real full blown tantrum
yesterday, needless to say I’m having some post traumatic stress today. My
sweet little angel became a savage, she was crying for no good reason. I knew
the moment had come when I had to put foot down and show her whose boss. I hate
to see her cry and she’s so darn cute but, I was losing my mind so, before I go
into complete insanity I knew I had to put her down in her crib where she was
safe and walk away. Instead of walking out and taking a deep breathe I felt
guilty and stayed in the room next to hers and I really should have known
better, that just made everything worse for me. I could not believe that after
20 minutes she was still going at it so, of course, I start questioning myself
and going through the list of things; did I feed her? Is her diaper changed? Did
she play? Maybe she’s thirsty? Or maybe her stomach hurts? After two kids, I really
shouldn’t have all these questions because, I knew I had taken care of
everything but, I gave in and went to comfort her. She was drenched in sweat,
tears down her face and those big beautiful eyes were staring at me like, “how
could you do this to me”. My heart was crushed, once I comforted her, not even
5 minutes later she started her tantrum again because, I wouldn’t let her do
something she wanted to do. Yep, I got caught being weak! I can’t believe I have
to go through this stage again after 9 years, I knew it was going too easy. So
we repeated the process until she stopped crying and then I went and picked her
up. I have to tell you it’s the next day and I am still exhausted and
traumatized. My only comfort is that I know this too shall pass lol! Hang in
there mommy’s, it feels like an eternity at the moment but, I promise you, I was
going through this the other day with my now almost 15 year old daughter and it
becomes a bit of a blur.
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