The Parent I Thought I Was Going To Be
Turned out different:
In my mind I envisioned my experience of parenting
completely different. It was all good times, I had the perfect children that
never made a mess, never got sick, never had a tantrum, were perfect students
and were always quiet. Well, turns out, I was completely wrong. There is no
such thing as perfect children nor perfect parents. Turns out all kids are
different and all parenting styles are different. I was hit with reality real
quick when at 23 I became a mom and my child did not come with a manual.
What???? I had no idea what a ride I was in for. Little did I know, my life
would no never be the same. I had sleepless nights, sick baby, messy baby and
actually a pretty good baby aside from the obvious. The first two months were bliss,
I was bored. All the baby did was sleep, eat and poop. It was a matter of time
before it all started to change. She knew more, started to speak, made her
first steps, grew hair and had a personality of her own. My parenting style was
molded by her personality. I knew when I had to stand my ground, hug her, teach
her, be the bad guy and much more. One thing I knew is that I had to give her
all the love, support and attention I could so, that she always knows I am her
mother, that I will love her forever, be there to protect her and guide her for
the rest of her life. My pre motherhood vision was different but, I wouldn’t
change reality for the world. It made me the person and mother I am today.
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