Getting Off Routine
How to cope: I haven’t been writing much recently because I truly haven’t been in the right mindset. I have been so overwhelmed and out of my daily routine. Once my third daughter turned one, it all shifted. She began waking up in the middle of the night, having full blown tantrums and requiring much more of my attentions. Therefore, I have not been able to go to the gym in the morning, I feel fat, overwhelmed and non-accomplished. I have definitely been thrown a curve ball. Currently, I am working on how to get back into routine. I was really comfortable on how easy the first year was but, things shifted when she began to walk, talk, run and eat much more. Not to mention the other kids and all there extra-curricular activities. Starting back at one isn’t easy but I have to get back to a place where I had a better handle of things. These are the times when people say parenting is difficult but, it’s okay, it’s part of the journey. One day you will look back and rememb...